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Compliance Companion®
Standard Procedures Manuals (SPM)

Mortgage Lending Compliance April 2022

This Manual provides a comprehensive discussion of the federal and California laws and regulations governing residential mortgage lending. The text of the Manual is 1,120 pages, plus 113 pages of appendices. Each topic includes a discussion of which entities are subject to the rule and the types of loan subject to the rule.

The topics covered include:

  • TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) – TRID Fundamentals, Loan Estimate, Closing Disclosure, and Escrow Closing Notice
  • Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and Regulation X – including mortgage servicing requirements; RESPA Section 8 which prohibits kickbacks and referral fees; and the administration of escrow (impound) accounts
  • Mortgage servicing requirements under Regulation Z (TILA) and Regulation X (RESPA)
  • Flood insurance regulations, including private flood insurance rules and a discussion of many of the proposed interagency flood insurance Q&As
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and Regulation C, which provides a thorough discussion of the amended Regulation C data collection and reporting requirements, including the data collection and reporting exemptions for small-volume lenders
  • Fair Housing Act and the federal banking agencies’ fair housing regulations
  • SAFE Act regulations
  • Appraisal regulations and the Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines
  • Advertising rules for residential mortgage loans
  • Miscellaneous California mortgage lending laws and regulations discussing 35 separate topics
  • Miscellaneous federal laws and regulations covering 19 separate topics
  • Legal and compliance issues associated with brokering mortgage loans


Compliance Companion

Compliance Companion® is a one-stop regulatory compliance resource for financial institutions. This online compilation of 19 industry-leading BCG compliance manuals takes the legalese out of federal and California laws and regulations, making them easier to understand and keep up with ongoing compliance developments.

Published by Aldrich & Bonnefin, PLC, Compliance Companion® has many useful features including search capabilities, links to internal cross-references and web-based sources, as well as samples of dozens of forms, disclosures and notices.

This compliance resource can also be accessed from your mobile device, making it faster and easier to get the latest information on federal and California laws and regulations governing financial institutions.

For information regarding online subscriptions to Compliance Companion®, contact or call 949-553-0909.

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* Janet Bonnefin is retired from the practice of law with the firm.
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