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Today is: March 12, 2025  

OnCourse Learning Online Training Courses

Online Training Courses Powered By OnCourse Learning

In addition to services and materials produced by Bankers' Compliance Group® (BCG Handouts, Newsletters and Monthly Telephone Briefings), we also offer interactive "web-based training" so you can learn at your own pace from any location with internet access powered by OnCourse Learning Financial Services.

BCG Members are automatically enrolled in online training courses offered under an arrangement between the Group and OnCourse Learning. As part of BCG membership, each institution is entitled to have up to 20 employees enrolled in the Standard Online Training Program Package.

In addition to the courses offered through Bankers' Compliance Group®, OnCourse Learning offers a broad range of career- and compliance-based training and technology. To see a full listing of courses through OnCourse Learning, download a course catalog here.

Who is OnCourse Learning?

OnCourse Learning is the nation's No. 1 resource for e-learning solutions that empower companies and professionals to improve, achieve and aspire. Comprised of long-established proven brands like BankersEdge, OnCourse Learning is the go-to resource for financial services education to enhance your workforce, manage compliance and gain peace of mind with our innovative learning management solution. For more information, visit

Standard Online Training Program Package

Our Standard Online Training Program Package consists of three courses which will provide you with the background and knowledge of important regulatory areas you need to perform your job: Fair Lending Overview, Expedited Funds Availability Act: Regulation CC and Bank Secrecy Act.

Each trainee can participate in one, two or all three of these courses. Each course will take approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours to complete and require no prior compliance knowledge or experience. You proceed through the training at your own pace. Should you need to stop at any point, you can always come back later and pick up where you left off. You will find numerous exercises, examples and case studies throughout the course to reinforce and apply your knowledge. In addition, each unit starts with a pre-test and finishes with a post-test. Although the tests are scored, you need not be concerned if you don't pass on the first try - you can always review the material and take the test again.

A description of each course is listed below.

The Number One

Fair Lending remains at the forefront of an institution's compliance examination. This course is intended to provide the institution's lending personnel, as well as bank directors, with an understanding of the basic concepts regarding Fair Lending. It includes a brief overview of the following laws that relate to fair lending.

Fair Housing Act (FHA) – Prohibits discrimination in housing-related lending activities against any person because of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap, familial status or sex.

Equal Credit Opportunity (ECOA) – Prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants for gathering and evaluating credit information and requires written notification when credit is denied.

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) – Ensures accuracy, fairness and privacy of consumer information.

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) – Requires certain mortgage lenders to disclose data regarding their lending patterns.

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) – Designed to encourage banks to help meet the credit needs of the community.


The Number Two

Expedited Funds Availability Act – Assures that deposited funds are made available in a reasonable period of time.


The Number Three

Sets forth the institution's obligations in recognizing and reporting large currency transactions and suspicious activities. The course also presents sound "Know Your Customer" practices.

If you are interested in obtaining additional seats for this package or additional training courses, please contact us here.

* Janet Bonnefin has retired from the firm.
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